Cihan Plastik

Cihan Plastik’s values

Cihan Plastik conducts all of its activities in line with the values set forth by its parent company.

 Cihan Plastik  has committed itself to abide by universally-accepted principles in the fulfillment of its responsibilities towards the world, Turkey, business partners, customers, and employees.

In line with this vision,Cihan Plastik :

*Is industrious, dynamic, and progressive.

*Values dynamism, innovation, and creativity in all of its business processes; invests in research and development; rejects defeatism and bureaucratic resistance to change.

*Acknowledges the value of deriving strength and learning from the past as it advances into the future and therefore gives importance to upholding national, family, and spiritual values but opposes bigotry and reactionaryism.

*Believes that the key to success is to be productive, disciplined, and methodical in the conduct of one’s work.

*Human resources are its most important asset.

*Is aware that its employees are the biggest guarantee of the successful fulfillment of its objectives and of its product and service quality and therefore makes it its prime objective to employ only the best human resources.

*Believes in the power of a calm workplace environment, of teamwork, of shared synergies, and of effective communication and therefore gives its employees opportunities to take part in value-creating occupational and personal training and rewards them for being successful.

*Is participatory, fair, and democratic in its management practices; understands the necessity of institutionalization; has an organizational structure that is capable of learning and is open to criticism.

*Strives to make every day a better one for its customers.

*Puts the customer at the center of all of its activities; roots all of its products and services in the principle of making life easier for customers and maintaining long-term relationships with them.

*While creating value for customers through superior-quality products and services, also enters into relationships based on mutual trust and a solution-partner approach; seeks to anticipate changing needs and takes a proactive approach in order to resolve problems quickly.

*Strives to dream for society and to make such dreams a reality.

*Recognizes that creating value for the national economy is one of its highest priorities; has dreams for society and aspires to make them a reality in the future as well; recognizes its social responsibilities and endeavors to create material and moral added value for all of its stakeholders.

*Places value in people; supports collaboration; rejects selfishness and greed.

*Gives priority to and supports efforts aimed at raising the educational and cultural level of society with particular attention being given to the educational improvement of young people.

*Protecting the environment is a high-priority issue at every level throughout Cihan Plastik

*Not satisfied to involve itself solely on a corporate basis, our company encourages its employees to take part in social responsibility activities as well.